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6th International Conference on MOBILe Wireless MiddleWARE, Operating Systems, and Applications

November 11–12, 2013 | Bologna, Italy


"Challenges in mobile communication regarding current and future mobile services, applications, and devices"

Hans Einsiedler, Telekom Innovation Laboratories


Most of the broadband access at home, at work, and on the move will be mobile and wireless. IPTV-sets and some other fixed networked equipment will be still connected through wired lines. However, most of the end-devices will be connected at least by the last hop through wireless or mobile access networks. Typical examples for these end-systems are smart phones, communication watches, sensors, augmented reality glasses, wearable, etc. The air interface is a spare resource. New system concepts, mechanisms, and protocols have to be implemented to optimise the wireless and mobile access. Offloading, service execution points close to the end-systems, movement prediction of end-systems, optimised operating systems in end-systems (e.g. smart phones), optimised application and service developments, context awareness, etc. are system concepts which will increase the network efficiency and offer optimised network access for excellent user experiences. In parallel, these concepts have to give an answer and have to support the trend to move most of the applications and services into the cloud. Like in real-time communication, the access of a huge number of cloud applications and services from mobile and wireless devices has high demands on the underlying network. This leads to a rethinking and redesign of current network paradigms.


Hans Joachim Einsiedler was born in 1966 in Ravensburg, Germany. He received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1994. He worked at the Zurich Research Laboratory, at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, and at the University of Bern in Switzerland. He joined Deutsche Telekom in 1999. Since then, he was leader of EU and EURESCOM R&D projects. He joined the Telekom Innovation Laboratories on May, 1st, 2004 and is responsible for the Seamless Network Control team within Telekom Innovation Laboratories. His topics are next generation control platforms and Internet Protocol control plane topics. Hans is the Telekom responsible for the European Technology Platform eMobility/Net!Works-ETP, the ETNO R&D task force, and the Future Internet Public-Private-Partnership initiative.

"Challenges and Opportunities of Mobile Device Security"

Morris Chang, Iowa State University


The trend of focusing more on mobile device security is driven by the increasing popularity of using such devices to access the Internet. With more offices implementing Bring Your Own Device policies, new information security concerns are being introduced. This talk addresses security issues of user authentication and malware detection on mobile devices. It reviews the state-of-the-art approaches and discusses the challenges and opportunities in the research.


Morris Chang is an associate professor at Iowa State University. He received the Ph.D. degree from the North Carolina State University. His past industrial experiences include positions at Texas Instruments, Microelectronic Center of North Carolina and AT&T Bell Labs. He received the University Excellence in Teaching Award at Illinois Institute of Technology in 1999. His research interests include: cyber security, wireless networks, and energy efficient computer systems. His current research projects on cyber security are funded by DARPA. Currently, he is an editor of Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems and IEEE IT Professional. He is a senior member of IEEE.