
Prof. Elena Navarro

Title: Digital Twins: are there still open challenges?


Elena Navarro is a full professor at the Computing Systems Department of the UCLM (Spain) where she lectures in Software Engineering. Prior to this position, she did research at the Computer Science Laboratory of the AUA (Greece) funded by the EU TMR Program.  She is author of more than 100 papers many of them in relevant journals indexed in JCR. She is involved in numerous R&D projects as well as in Knowledge transfer projects. Her current research interests is related to the design and evaluation of technologies applied to healthcare, specially, for the design and development of Human Digital Twins with a special focus on Software Architecture and Requirements Engineering.


The interest in Digital Twins (DTs) has grown considerably in recent years, in both academia and industry, due to its significant potential in many application fields, such as manufacturing, healthcare, smart cities, aerospace, etc. The growth in the number of articles related to DT has become exponential in the last years. According to Scopus, 7271 articles were published just during 2023. As a result of the continuous development of science and technology, DT is a constantly evolving concept. Despite this exponential growth, there are still open challenges to be solved in promoting DT to practical applications. One of the fundamental challenges in DT-related research is its design, modelling, and representation. During this keynote the main open issues related to this challenge are presented illustrating some potential future lines of research in this field.